
So Handsome

No Nap

This is what happens when little girls don't take naps when they are supposed to.

They fall asleep at dinner time in weird places or in a weird way.



God BLESS America
This morning I woke up excited to watch President Obama and his fashion forward wife.
Maybe it is the hormones and all the breast milk I am producing, but I actually shed a tear listening to Obama's speech.
I feel like my vote counted today.
Ok, enough of that.
The baby is up to 11lbs, Grace is learning to ride a bike ( ok trike) and mama and daddy( this is Josh and I) are searching the websites for cheap airfare to someplace warm for a long no kid weekend!
Is it wrong of me to already want a weekend of too much wine, sun and adult fun?
Maybe by this summer Josh and I can get away!


One Month

Emmit is one month tomorrow. Hard to believe.
He is 10lbs and growing.
He sleeps a lot and eats a lot.
His eyes are turning blue.
His neck is strong.
Emmit is still sleeping with Josh and I in the new king bed. I thought I would never have my kids in bed with us at night. Whoops...
Update on his cleft lip.
We went to children's hospital this week and saw a specialist.
Emmit will have to have one surgery as a baby at month 3 or so.
As we guessed his cleft in miner and should be a easy fix.
As a young man no one should be able to tell that he was born with the cleft.
If you have never been to children's hospital, I will tell you this it is a place of HOPE.
Well baby is calling, got to go.

Tea Time

Thanks Natalie for coming to my tea party.


Happy Birthday Josh

Happy 30th Birthday Josh.
Your the best husband and father I know.
Today is your day!
Cheers to you and the next 30 years.
To think we first met and we were only 19!!