
One Month

Emmit is one month tomorrow. Hard to believe.
He is 10lbs and growing.
He sleeps a lot and eats a lot.
His eyes are turning blue.
His neck is strong.
Emmit is still sleeping with Josh and I in the new king bed. I thought I would never have my kids in bed with us at night. Whoops...
Update on his cleft lip.
We went to children's hospital this week and saw a specialist.
Emmit will have to have one surgery as a baby at month 3 or so.
As we guessed his cleft in miner and should be a easy fix.
As a young man no one should be able to tell that he was born with the cleft.
If you have never been to children's hospital, I will tell you this it is a place of HOPE.
Well baby is calling, got to go.

Tea Time

Thanks Natalie for coming to my tea party.