We love the Prentice Family. Ryan went to college with Josh and I and he happen to marry one of the coolest girls ever.
Megs is a inspiration for fashion, decorating and blogging. She is always keeping me entertained with her Miss Hadley Blog.
Hadley (almost 3) is like a foot taller then Grace. Those two played well together and the kids were all kind enough to keep quiet while the adults were able to chug, I mean drink slowly like responsible adults on a Sunday evening. Maybe the fact that we allowed them, including Emmit to help themselves to mini cupcakes and pizza all night.

Ryan I must admit, I remember you having more hair in college.

Just like good old times, I tell you.

Meg is a natural with the little ones, must be the fact that she works with children and can make some silly faces.

Hadley Jane is pretty darn cute.

Grace you did good girlfriend sharing the toys.

Thank you Prentice Family for the Sunday evening visit. Next time you spend the night...