
It's On

This is how I see my dad on any giving weekend during the winter.
Skis on the back, head to the ground, one foot in front of the other heading to the king!
You go BIG BALD BILL You go.P.S.
It's On.
Sat. after thanksgiving.
For those who know what I am talking about, stop by.


Halloween Party

Take a look at my APRD Halloween Party. This is my witch costume. I scared a few kids, including my own.
Best part of the party, the cupcake decorating.
Those boys are curious as to why Grace has wiggly eyed stickers all over her face, so am I?
Grace in part of her cowgirl outfit.I need some new black heels.
This is what the stations looked like before the kids arrived.
Grace was afraid of my monster jello and witches worms, even though she saw me make.


Tot Soccer

Grace and Josh have been participants in my class Tot Soccer this fall. Well they kind of been participants. Grace spends most her time chasing after Ty Swapp and playing make believe farm or birthday party in the dug out. It's all good and has been pretty entertaining to watch Josh try to get Grace to do the soccer drills.Here is a group photo I took. Where is Josh, oh he was too cool to get in the photo!
Grace is actually skipping between the stations. Notice both feet are actually off the ground.

See what I mean. Grace not so interested in the drill, but you can tell that Josh is trying with Emmit in the backpack.

One thing Grace does know how to do well is pose for pics and say CHEESE.


Grace's BFF

Sorry Emmit no paint for you just yet.

Painting with q- tips. Brilliant I know!

Non toxic washable paint. Girls go ahead and make a mess!
But try to keep it on the paper:)
These two girls had a lot to catch up on today over some painting.


American Girl

Yesterday was a typical day, go to work, pick up the kids for day care, go for a waog( walk/jog) with the kids, chase the dog down the street because he does not listen to me, get the mail and come inside get ready for dinner ( which means wait for Josh to come home to cook dinner). All of that was very routine, until I checked the mail and found a American Girl catalog. That catalog might just change our world.

Pay attention grandparents, a certain somebody knows what she wants for her birthday and how many. Don't pay any attention to the bribes you hear or the coaxing for her parents in the video or the fact that I get Grace to tell me that I am pretty and a princess. Hey you get a compliment when you can.

American Girl doll's are you kidding me. Already she wants things like this!!!


10 months

In size 12-18 month clothing
You can say mama
You love to giggle and blow fart sounds on our arms
You are the funniest baby I know.
Favorite food is anything that we are eating.
Will do anything to take a bath with your sister. You LOVE to splash her. Emmit, you are 10 months and growing like a weed. Your such a happy and content baby we are truly lucky. You love to sleep in your car seat, not sure why but something about it sends you right to sleep.
We love you to the moon and back little man.


Reason # 982 I love having a daughter...

Reason number 982 why I love having a daughter, she lets me put bows in her hair.
Here she is showing off those bows.

This is a new thing when we take pictures. She closes her eyes and says cheese.

We thank Grandma Diane for the new clothes!


Pumpkin Patch

Nothing beats a sunny Sunday a Schuh Farm with your family and good friends, the Swapps. There is the family in front of the Schuh Farm sign.
"Mommy, why am I wearing this hat it is like 65 outside?"

Donkey, mama & Emmit
Don't you just love Grace's pumpkin patch outfit, she picked it out. ( ok maybe I helped just a bit)

Who's my big boy...

Looks like Emmit picked his pumpkin.

Josh found his pumpkin.

And I found mine!
This might be the best family photo we got today, that of Ty Swapp and of his daddy's backside.

Ahhh these two would rather kiss than look for pumkins.

Parent & Tot Soccer

Check out Josh and Grace at my new parent & tot soccer class. Josh was SO excited to be playing soccer! Grace staying hydrated.
Josh showing off his fancy foot work.

Go Grace go.

Best Friends

A best friend meets you on a Thursday night downtown Seattle for some wine and gossip, even though both mama's were very sleep deprived!
Thanks Brooke for the laughs.


emmits first word

is mama!
It just melts my heart to hear him say it.
He may look exactly like Josh, but it is me that he calls first...