
Let me introduce

It has been awhile since my last blog and a lot is going on. First I must catch everyone up to date. My aunt and uncle from New York finally made the move to the northwest. They are currently living with my parents, which means my parents are living with their best friends, which really really means it is like animal house at my parents house.

Not only are they my aunt and uncle, but they are also my god parents. They are the most loving and kind people that I know and they are always done to have a good time.

So let me introduce my Uncle Kevin ( Papa) and my Aunt Indira.

Love you guys and so glad you live in the Northwest.

1 comment:

bill said...

The commune is open to all, Inny has called this the"Boom-Umme"

Sunsets, wine, friends,Grand kids, dogs,snow......Life is good.

Thanks Nicole and Josh for being on the doorstep while Papa and Inny stepped into the Northwest.