
Teeth Are Clean

Grace went to the dentist for her first teeth cleaning visit and everything looked good and she did a great job. She got to pick out herself some pretty sweet sunnies as well.

Josh and I are just the most amazing parents whose children have perfect teeth cleaning riturals.

Um YEAH RIGHT! I am totally JOKING about the sentence above.

Serioulsy I am suprised that Grace had such a good report from the dentist. Grace cleans her teeth as much as she eats her vegtables. Those of you who know Grace well know what I am talking about.

It's a miracle really, but you know what I will take it and yeah I will try to get her to at least brush once a day and at least floss a few days before her next visit!


Shaina said...

I feel proud of my self if I can wrestle E down to brush his teeth once a day. This reminds me, I need to take him to the dentist - joy.

Kelsey said...

You are such a better parent than me! That is great that Grace didn't have any cavities unlike one of her best friends who will remain nameless.

Loosy said...

I love grace's shades she picked out.
I love that her dentist offers shades.
I love that you rode your bike to the dentist with the chariot.
I love how proud Grace is of her pearly whites.