
We Spend Saturday's in the Gym

You can find us in the gym on Saturday's for the next couple of weeks, mostly because it is my job to be there and becasue Grace is in Pee Wee Basketball. Already she shows signs that her basketball skills are just like her mothers.
Which means she is lucky if she make a basket, she is great at doing a chest pass and her favorite part of the game is the social part with her friends at the end.

 Regardless how good she might be, I think she has fun at least trying.
 Emmit on the other hand is only 3 so he has to wait the side lines and watch.

 This is not saying much, but Emmit can dribble circles around Josh and I.

 Nice form Grace.
 This is Emmit's ready position and face for any sport he plays.
Whitney Pre K Am Class in action.  Jack, Grace and Connor!


Morgan Anne said...

I was doing this yesterday :)
Hey i like that fish shoot thing for the hoop. what a good idea

Anonymous said...

Love the ready position!!!!!! This kid is going to be a Thumper.

Anonymous said...

Love the ready position!!!!!! This kid is going to be a Thumper.