
APRD Halloween Tot Party 2010

So each year the Wednesday before Halloween I put on a tot party for kids 2-4 years old at the senior center. We have art time, snack time, story time and we parade through the center bringing joy to the 55 and better.
But really it's a morning of me sweating my you know what off decorating, organizing and getting ready for these little rug rats to destroy my neat little stations. And then there is the clean up...

I love it though and I would not change a thing about it.

Today was extra special because just Emmit got to go. The entire time he kept asking me for where Grace was. It was pretty cute.

Pics below are are my mini stations I set and of Emmit being a monkey.

Egg Carton Spiders

Foam Mask

Spider Rice

Painting Pumpkins

Frosting Cookies & Carmel Apple Wraps


Shaina said...

those are some great craft ideas, looks like I will be heading to Michaels to get the goods to have some fun with E.

Loosy said...

What an adorable monkey! I love how he's in character at all times (hence the climbing over the gate). I can't believe he's almost TWO?!?!??! Crazytown.

Your kids are lucky to have a mom who has a job with great perks. I think I need to send to Camp Johnston for a few days? Whatta say?

Indira said...

He's a cutie! Hey I want to go to work with you! Looks like too much fun!!

Morgan Anne said...

What's spider rice....I need to know these things :)